About Us

Knowledge and experience from thriving global corporations is being brought to the world of start-ups, entrepreneurs and growing SMEs.

Introducing to PZ8

PZ Eight is all about new beginnings and fresh starts – we are a closely knit network who have known corporate success and want to share some of the “tips” with start-ups and with those in the early stages of building a business.

Forbes has estimated that 90% of start-ups fail yet success is not all about luck – our vision is to increase the number of successes and help them keep on succeeding.    This should not discourage you but make you want to work harder, better, and smarter.

The mantra of a former respected colleague was that “all business is show business” and a good show is founded on hard work, experience, and exceptional performance!

A good product idea and a strong technical team are not a guarantee of a sustainable business. The business process and issues of a company cannot be ignored, or they will eventually deprive the business of any future.

At PZ8, we believe that a brilliant business idea is just the beginning.

What truly sets a successful venture apart is the journey it undertakes from a concept to a sustainable profitable enterprise.

This journey demands more than just passion; it requires meticulous planning, strategic financial management, and a vision for sustainable growth.

For Operating Companies

We are your business partner on a fractional basis (i.e. you only pay for part of our time) keeping your overheads as low as possible and delivering your vision.

Our team leader is David Elliott, a fractional CFO or “Consulting Finance Director” with experience in senior roles in companies listed on the Stock Exchanges in London, New York and Paris. A qualified accountant with a background with the  “Big Four”,  corporate finance, treasury and management in the “real world”, coupled with a Masters in Psychology and a Coaching  Certification (ILM level 7).

The network has experience in global telecoms, global media, property, IT, aerospace, public transportation, environmental, regulatory, and the fun areas of start-ups and M&A..

Business isn’t just about money but money impacts every area of your operation and the wise use of your financial resources allows the other functions to operate effectively.

We offer support in:

  • Finance and financial management,
  • Sales and marketing,
  • Compliance & ESG
  • Human Resources

For investors:

We take business partner roles on a fractional basis to protect your investment.

Our mission is to help companies meet their potential for all the stakeholders – investors, owners, management, and employees.    Too many investments fail because investors don’t insist on strong internal controls and effective management reporting.  

Our mission for investors is to avoid investment success being “akin to the spin of the roulette wheel”.

Your Partner in Growth

At PZ8, we are more than just financial advisors; we are your partners in growth. 

We stand ready to support you in making informed decisions based on robust financial data and insights. Together, we will navigate the complexities of business growth, turning challenges into opportunities and ideas into realities.

Join us at PZ8, and let’s build a business that is not only profitable but also sustainable, ready for the future and delivering stakeholder value.

Let's Work Together

Please contact us for further information.